I have so many fond memories of Vivian. I remember the first time I met her at her Milwaukie apartment when Marc and I first started dating. We were headed to Seaside Oregon to the rental home. I remember walking through the door and feeling so welcomed by Vivian and Aunt Sue. I also remember the wonderful food, especially the chocolate chip cookies and also having Lefsa made for me.
The trip to the ocean was wonderful. I know that you thought I was probably too young for your grandson who was six years my senior but I was determined to show you that I was not just any 19-year-old. I think you were impressed by my "homemaking" skills that I possessed at such a young age. You knew that I would take care of Marc. You ALWAYS over the years made it so clear to me that you thought Marc was so lucky to have found such a wonderful wife. I felt lucky that I found a man that so loved and respected his Grandmother.
I do believe though my fondest memory is when you first met our little Ava Grace. I still love looking at the pictures of her sitting on your lap. This chubby baby was so heavy and you were starting to get frail but you insisted on holding her and I just loved that so much. I also remember you feeling my stomach when I was pregnant and feeling her kick and you showered her with gifts before she was even born. She will always know what a wonderful person you were. We have your special jewelry that she will someday be able to wear and we also have the special books that you gave her as well.
Thank you for always being so wonderful to me. I always wanted you to feel as if I was your "true" granddaughter and you really did make me feel like that and that is why I called you Grandma, not out of obligation but out of deep respect and admiration and the fact that I felt as though I was your granddaughter too! I love you and miss you!
I have so many memories of Mom that I would need a lifetime to list them all.
I will relate a few of my ‘favorites’ in no particular order or sequence:
Your retirement party surprise. . .genuine love for myself and my children. . .your pride at my community college graduation. . .your calm response to my first auto accident in 1966. . .how peaceful and secure you made your Leffleman and Dartmouth homes. . .your shrill ‘They’re here’ when I visited from afar. . .your Jewish mother ways of comfort food. . .how depressed you were when you had to give up your vehicle (and independence). . .packing up Sister Sue’s apartment by yourself at 80 years old. . .your 1970 trip to the England. . .how you took pride in your appearance your entire life. . .how you held me when I caught my hand and arm in the old wringer washer. . .the tears you shed at the breakup of your marriage-I remember because I was often in between you two during those arguments. . .summer trips to the Oregon Coast during my childhood years. . .how thrifty you lived and how generous you were. . .how worried you were about Sister Sue’s future. . .our road trip to Rancho Cucamonga for Scott & Debbie's wedding. . .
I will fly the American Flag day and night in your memory. . . Your loving son Richard
I am Vivians youngest brother and have many good memories of my sister. My first memories of my sister goes back to Montana when our Mother was dying of TB in a sanitarium somewhere in Montana. I remember Vivian coming back to the farm to help take care of my brother Don and I. The next memories I have of Vivian is when she got married to Dick (Richard) Cranswick and they moved into an apartment on Montgomery St in S.W. Portland. That's is where they lived when Rick was born and I'm not sure if Scott and Sue were born when they were living in Lake Grove, Oregon. I remember Dick letting me shoot a hunting rifle for the first time and let me steer their car while sitting on Dick's lap. (opposites attract) Dick and Vivian were about as opposite in what they liked to do as far as activities are concerned. Dick liked the outdoors with all the activities like hunting, horseback riding, swimming, diving just to mention a few and Vivian liked her reading, classical music, went to play performances in Portland and opera to name a few. I remember her bringing me to a play one time and I had to pretend that I really enjoyed it to make her feel good. Her playing classical music to me all the time kind of grew on me and I really enjoy listening to this day. I remember riding my bike all the way to Lake Grove just visit her and have some home made cookies and to feel wanted. I better close for now and if you have any questions to ask me you can call me at 808-572-0509 or 808-264-4679(cell #) My e-mail address is